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Explore the options we offer below to find out what's the best coverage for you.
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Homeowners Insurance
With Homeowners insurance you can protect yourself from financial losses caused by storms, fire, theft and other events outlined in your policy. Carrying the right amount of coverage is essential to protecting your family and belongings.
Homeowners insurance is a package policy. This means that it covers both damage to your property and your liability or legal responsibility for any injuries and property damage you or members of your family cause to other people.
Be prepared for the unexpected. Some events such as floods are not covered in a regular homeowners policy. Check out the other products we offer so you can bundle and save. We also offer extended coverage for many perils and scheduled items. See more products
Homeowners' policies cover:
Dwelling – Coverage that protects the structure of the home (roof, walls, wall-to-wall carpeting, etc.)
Other structures – Coverage for sheds, detached garages and other structures not connected to the main dwelling itself
Personal property – Coverage for personal items (clothing, furniture, appliances, computers, etc.) on and off the premises
Loss of use – Coverage for when an insured has to move out of the home while repairs are made as a result of damage caused by a covered loss
We also offer insurance policies for owners of second homes and vacation homes. This way, you, your family and your guests are protected wherever you go.
If you own a home and have a mortgage, your lienholder (the bank who is invested in your loan) will likely require you to carry insurance on your home. Many banks allow members to combine their insurance payments and monthly mortgage bill. This is called escrow. Your agent will be happy to review the details with you.
You can get the most value from your policy with discounts when you buy multiple policy lines — be sure your homeowners insurance quote includes quotes for everything you insure:
Renters Insurance
A renters insurance policy is a group of coverages designed to help protect renters living in a house or apartment. A typical renters insurance policy includes three types of coverage that help protect you, your belongings and your living arrangements after a covered loss. Read on to learn how each type of coverage works.
Renters insurance (sometimes referred to as "tenant insurance") helps cover unexpected events — otherwise known as covered perils. You may not always be able to prevent certain situations, such as theft, a break-in or a visitor's injury, and that's where renters insurance comes in. This table breaks down the different types of coverages in a renters insurance policy and what they usually cover.
Personal property coverage, a standard component of renters insurance, may help cover the cost of replacing your stuff if it's unexpectedly damaged or destroyed. This protection generally applies to certain risks (also referred to as "perils"), such as fire, according to the Insurance Information Institute. For example, if your furniture and clothing are destroyed by a fire, this coverage may help you pay for the cost of replacing them. However, remember that coverage limits — the maximum amount your policy will pay for personal property losses — will apply.
Before renters insurance helps pay for a covered loss, you'll likely need to pay a deductible. The amount of your deductible is often tied to your policy's premium (the amount you pay your insurance company to keep your policy in force). You'll typically find that the lower your premium, the more your deductible may be for each covered loss. Your deductible and premium are listed in your policy and can usually be adjusted based on your budget and needs.
While renters insurance helps protect you and your belongings, keep in mind that it typically does not cover the physical building you're living in. Landlord insurance is designed to help protect the owner's dwelling, while you, the renter, are usually responsible for protecting the belongings you keep inside. Similarly, while landlord insurance may offer liability protection for the policyholder, that protection typically does not extend to tenants. You can find answers to some more frequently asked questions here.
Condo Owners Insurance
Condominium and apartment insurance is unique. The condo insurance you buy covers your personal property, liability, and those parts of the unit that are your responsibility. It may also be written to protect you from certain assessments levied by the condo association. And you’re covered for costs you incur over normal living expenses if you have to vacate your home.
Your home is filled with things that are important to you. Condo Insurance can include personal property protection in your condo insurance policy, which can travel with you wherever you happen to be in the world. Should you choose this protection, and the policy will pay the full replacement cost without deduction for depreciation, up to the limits you select.
Condominium insurance protects you and your family against bodily injury, property damage claims, and litigation up to the limits you select. And if a visitor is injured on your property, or by you or a household member, the policy will pay covered medical expenses, up to the limits you select.
The more information you provide your agent, the better we can assist you in creating a condo policy that’s right for you. Ask about discounts for burglar alarms and for having multiple insurance policies.
Many people supplement their condo insurance coverage with personal umbrella liability insurance for broader protection. And if you have special possessions such as jewelry, art, antiques, or collectibles – ask about scheduled personal property coverage.
Find unique insurance that is right for your condo – Talk with us today to identify the best combination of coverage, value, and price for you. We can help make sure your renters insurance continually meets your needs.
Dwelling Fire Insurance
A Dwelling Fire (DP-3) policy is similar to a Homeowners policy. It is an insurance policy best suited for a residential property typically rented to others. The policy covers losses to the building’s structure, loss of use or rental Income, and customarily personal liability (this is an optional coverage). These policies also allow additional coverage through endorsements.
The DP3 rental home insurance policy is considered the best insurance policy for rental properties or non-owner occupied homes.
Primary Dwelling Fire (DP3) Insurance Coverages
Dwelling (Coverage A)
Dwelling coverage is the section of the policy that pays for damage to your home in the event of a covered loss. The amount you purchase should be enough to completely rebuild your home and attached structures (like an attached garage) in the event of a total loss – but should not include the value of the land. Note: Market Value or Assessed Value of your property should not to be used to determine the cost to rebuild. These values are not good indicators of local building costs. Talk to your Bankers agent about how best to determine the cost to rebuild.
Other Structures (Coverage B)
Many properties have separate buildings such as sheds or fences. Other Structures coverage reimburses the costs associated with repair or replacement in the event of a covered loss.
Personal Property (Coverage C)
As a homeowner, you acquire a lot of items to decorate and use in your home. Personal Property coverage provides protection for some of those items. This coverage is included in a Homeowners policy at Actual Cash Value (ACV), which is the value of the item at the time of the loss, minus any accumulated depreciation. This coverage can be upgraded to Replacement Cost (RC) for an additional premium. This will allow the property to be replaced with like‐kind property at today’s market price subject to policy limits and deductibles. This is what most people prefer and we highly recommend that you purchase Full Replacement Cost coverage as part of your policy.
Fair Rental Value / Additional Living Expense (Coverage D / E)
This is a combined coverage and provides coverage for Loss of Use and/or Loss of Rental Income due to a covered loss. If the home is unable to be occupied while being rented to a tenant, Coverage D – Fair Rental Value provides protection for the loss of the rental income while the tenant is unable to live in the house up to the limit of liability. If the home is unable to be occupied while the owner is using the dwelling, Coverage E – Additional Living Expense provides reimbursement for additional living costs incurred while unable to live in the home.
Liability (Coverage L)
Personal Liability coverage pays for legal damages that are awarded to a third party when you are found to be liable for their bodily injuries or damage to their possessions while they are on your property. This coverage also helps pay your attorney fees and court costs related to a covered loss.
Medical Payments to Others (Coverage M)
Medical Payments coverage helps pay for medical bills incurred by visitors to your home who sustain bodily injury while on your premises or due to your personal activities.
Additionally, you can extend coverage to other things such as Personal Property Replacement Cost Coverage, Sinkhole Coverage, Water Back Up and Sump Discharge or Overflow, Ordinance or Law, Limited Theft Coverage, Equipment Breakdown, Service Line Coverage and Limited Screened Enclosure Buyback.
Jewelry Insurance
Jewelry is typically covered under renters and homeowners insurance policies. But that coverage is not usually enough to cover
the full replacement cost, and even a jewelry-specific rider added to your homeowners policy has its limits.
A specialized jewelry insurance policy provides comprehensive coverage. This includes coverage against scenarios—like mysterious disappearance (or unexplained loss)—that may not be covered by standard homeowners or renters insurance or by warranties.
That's a personal choice. Ask yourself these questions to help you decide if jewelry insurance is right for you.
If your jewelry was lost, damaged, or stolen, would you want it repaired or replaced?
If the answer is yes, how much would you be able or willing to pay out of pocket?
Can you imagine living without your jewelry pieces?
Jewelry often has value that doesn't come with a price tag. Would your heart sink if you lost your wedding band or discovered your heirloom earrings disappeared?
Call us for a quote today and see how affordable jewelry insurance can be.
Flood Insurance
No home is completely safe from potential flooding. When just one inch of water in a home can cost more than $25,000 in damage, flood insurance can be the difference between recovery and financial devastation.
For the past four years, hurricanes have caused above-average flooding. This year, we expect more of the same. Protect your home or business from unexpected flood damage with flood insurance from the NFIP. Take action today: talk to one of our agents about flood insurance.
Whether you live inside or outside of the high-risk flood area, if you own property you should consider purchasing flood insurance for the protection and peace of mind it brings.
However, many property owners, particularly those in high-risk flood areas, may be required to have flood insurance.
Homes and businesses in high-risk flood areas with government-backed mortgages are required to have flood insurance.
While flood insurance is not federally required if you live outside of the high-risk area, your lender may still require you to have insurance.
If you live in a high-risk flood area and have received federal disaster assistance – including grants from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) or low-interest disaster loans from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) – you must maintain flood insurance in order to be considered for any future federal disaster aid.
Even if you’re not required to have it, it’s still a good idea to consider purchasing flood insurance protection.
Here are some important facts to keep in mind:
FACT: Homeowners and renters insurance does not typically cover flood damage.
FACT: Flood insurance will pay claims regardless of whether or not there is a Presidential Disaster Declaration.
FACT: Federal disaster assistance comes in two forms: a loan, which must be paid back with interest, or a FEMA disaster grant, which is about $5,000 on average per household. By comparison, the average flood insurance claim in 2018 was more than $40,000.
Windstorm Insurance
Even with the best forecasts, it can be hard to know what to expect from hurricane season – which is this year complicated by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. But your recovery from a storm can be planned in advance. Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA) urges coastal communities and policyholders to protect themselves, their families, and their property by taking the following steps today.
Make sure you have both windstorm (wind and hail) and flood insurance well in advance of any storm. Most insurance companies, including TWIA, cannot offer a windstorm policy once a storm appears in the Gulf of Mexico (learn more). Flood coverage (which TWIA cannot provide) is offered through the National Flood Insurance Program and requires a 30-day waiting period after you purchase it before it becomes effective.
Understand what is included in your policy to avoid any surprises, and insure your property for what it would cost to rebuild, not current market value. Now is the time to meet with your insurance agent to update your policy.
Document your home and belongings with photos or video. If you need to file a claim, having an inventory will help expedite that process and help ensure an accurate claim payment for your covered belongings. Email a copy of it and other important documents to yourself, upload it to an online cloud storage account (ex: Google Drive, Dropbox, or Amazon Drive), or mail physical copies to someone who lives outside the hurricane zone.
Download and fill out an inventory form here
A little preparation now can go a long way in reducing property damage during a storm. Install storm shutters (alternatively, cut plywood so it’s ready to install over windows in the build-up to a storm), trim trees, install roof straps, reinforce garage doors, and clear rain gutters and downspouts.
Make a plan for you and your family and practice it. Consider any additional precautions you may need to take to reduce your risk of exposure to COVID-19. Know your area’s evacuation routes and where you can stay if you are ordered to evacuate. Create a list of important contacts and sign up for local emergency alerts.
Assemble an emergency kit that includes important basics (ex: masks, hand sanitizer, water, nonperishable food, flashlight, batteries, etc.) and covers the unique needs of your family and pets. Because disasters can strike anywhere, make multiple kits: one for your home, one for your work, and one for your car. Ready.gov has additional tips to consider when building your kit.
Know where your important documents (ex: insurance policies, birth certificates, marriage licenses, passports, mortgage papers, social security cards, etc.) are located. Don’t leave these items behind when you evacuate.
Pet Insurance
What is pet insurance?
Pet insurance can give you peace of mind by making health costs for your dog or cat more affordable, letting you enjoy extra quality time with your four-legged family members. We can help you get comprehensive pet insurance coverage for your dogs and cats.
Why do I need pet insurance?
None of us like thinking about it, but the truth is that our pets could get hurt or sick. Did you know 1 in 3 people have a claim in the first policy year? As the cost of vet bills continues to rise, we can help manage some of those costs with pet insurance.
What does pet insurance cover?
Many carriers cover the following:
Accidents (e.g. broken bones, swallowing something)
Illnesses (not pre-existing)
Dental issues
And more
How much does pet insurance cost?
Some plans start as low as $1 a day. To provide you the best pet insurance, we offer personalized policies for your pet(s). That means costs for pet insurance can vary, depending on a few common factors:
Type of animal, including species
Gender of your pet